Geography Bright Ideas

World Geography

Attending the GTASA conference on Thursday has re-inspired me to look, use and integrate the wonderful resources of Geography that there are available to us as educators.

ACARA has just released the Geography curriculum for 2014 and there are so many exciting elements we can use out there n the World Wide Web.

Human Well Being:

Slumming It is an amazing series introducing Students to the ‘Slum” It is really suitable for year 9 and 10 students.

Last year with my class I used Sally Morgan’s Rwandan Stories coupled with Hotel Rwanda and it was an amazing resource.Students completed many of the resources and then wrote an essay looking at the film, impact of genocide, how safe we are in the world and the role of the UN.

Landscape and Resources

Water – SA water have many available options – their presentations were amazing – hands on fun for students and there are so many links from the websites.

The best series to support migration:


An introduction to the role of GIS – look at the following website amazing way to track the shipping vessels of the world.

At the 2013 conference I was lucky enough to be a part of the amazing race – this is where we were able to use QR readers as well GPS systems and look at exciting ways to present Geography. I did this as a part of a challenge for students attending an overseas trip and have attached the assignment guidelines. Adelaide Excursion

Geo caching – my next class challenge – all keen Geographers should have a look at this amazing facility.

There is so much out there – all amazing……I am just beginning to keep an electronic version of what resources we can use in the classroom

e-portfolio the flight

Today on the 4th of June I am learning how to use create an e-portfolio about my Professional Learning as a Teacher!!!!!!!!

Here are some of my favourite images and videos as a test run – learning how to blog with Beck Hunt.


Port Elliot Sunny Days

The whales were not beached - boats were!!!

The whales were not beached – boats were!!!